11 demonstrators injured in Al-Nasiriyah explosion

11 demonstrators injured in Al-Nasiriyah explosion

Shafaq News / A security source reported that 11 protestors were wounded in the explosion that targeted Al-Haboubi Square, the gathering point of the demonstrators in Al-Nasiriyah, the center of Dhi Qar governorate.

Earlier Friday, the Security Media Cell said in a statement, "an explosive device in a motorcycle blasted behind one of the tents inside Al-Haboubi Square in Dhi Qar governorate, and injured two citizens minorly".

This is an episode in a series of operations and assassination attempts targeting demonstrators and activists since last Friday.

Violent attacks took place in Basra earlier this week, and resulted in the death of two activists and a citizen, while other activists were subjected to assassination attempts in other governorates, including Dhi Qar.

Al-Haboubi Square is one of the hot spots in the Iraqi protests that began in October 2019 and are still continuing in a limited way, and they succeeded in overthrowing the previous government headed by Abdul Mahdi.

According to government figures, about 560 demonstrators and security personnel were killed during the protests, including tens of activists who were assassinated by unknown persons.

Al-Kadhimi's government has pledged to bring those involved in the killing of protestors and activists to justice. However, no arrest warrants have been issued so far. 

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