The Ministry of Trade receives more than one million tons of local wheat

 The Ministry of Trade receives more than one million tons of local wheat

to the company's sites was (1.140,610).

The general director of the company , Saad Faris al-Hamdani said in a statement, that the local quantities of wheat types marketed to the company's sites in central and southern governorates, which began marketing on April 15 in addition to Diyala , Kirkuk and Tuz in Salahuddin provinces were as follows where the amounts received in Wasit province were 402 353 thousand tons , Babylon 140 808 tons , Diwaniya 102 582 tons , Najaf 89 135 thousand tons, Dhi Qar 73 981 tons , Baghdad 70 207 thousand tons, Maysan 45 310 tons and Diyala 32 246 tons and Basra 24 155 thousand tons, Muthanna 18 461 tons , Karbala 13984 thousand tons , Kirkuk 1115 thousand tons while Tuz silo affiliated to Salahuddin received quantities have reached 273 tons.

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