The Ministry of Finance announces paying employee’s salaries of all hot provinces

The Ministry of Finance announces paying employee’s salaries of all hot provinces

to ensure access to their salaries, denying that some employees have not been paid.

"The Ministry of Finance have paid all the employees' salaries and did not stop paying the salaries process with the exception of delay happened last March for the staff’s salaries of Anbar, Salahuddin and Nineveh provinces aThe Undersecretary of the Ministry , Fadel Nabi told “Shafaq News".

Nabi added that "All salaries are currently paid to employees for the past months and there is no delay in the payment of salaries of any province."

Many employees especially in Anbar, Salahuddin and Nineveh provinces did not receive their salaries for several months because of the employees’ complain from the procedures applied by the federal government.

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