Iraqi oil production rise to 3.524 million bpd

Iraqi oil production rise to 3.524 million bpd
2014-02-03 13:18


The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussain al-Shahristani has said earlier at a news conference in London that Iraq aims to increase crude oil output to 4.7 bpd in 2015 .

The ministry spokesman , Issem Jihad said in an interview with " Shafaq News " , that “ Iraq's production of oil rose to 3.524 million barrels per day” .

Jihad explained that the production has been split to 2.643 million bpd of crude oil from the south and 242 000 barrels of oil from Maysan , 502 000 barrels of oil from the north and 137 000 barrels of crude oil from the center.

Iraq is seeking to increase its oil production to more than four million barrels per day in 2014 , while Minister of Oil , Abdul Karim al-Laebee announced making plans that could raise its oil exports to 3.4 million barrels per day , including 400 thousand barrels from fields in Kurdistan Region .

Exports fell last January to 2.228 million bpd compared to the export of 2.341 million bpd last December.

The ministry of oil said that the decline is due to the attacks on the pipeline that carries oil from Kirkuk oilfields to Turkey as well as delay in shipping from Iraq's southern ports because of bad weather .

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