Baghdad says it will sue oil buyers from Kurdistan

Baghdad says it will sue oil buyers from Kurdistan
2014-06-01 12:58
with crude oil extracted from fields of Kurdistan Region .

The tanker had changed course after that was on its way to the United States which indicates that the company that shipped the crude may not find a buyer, according to Reuters.

The tanker carrying the first shipment of crude has been pumped through the pipeline , which extended last year to Turkey .

The Ministry of Oil said in a statement reported for " Shafaq News " that the tanker is considered " as stolen oil and smuggled across the border illegally without the consent of the Federal Government and the Ministry of Oil ."

The ministry stressed that "the prosecution will reach any party or an oil company that adopt marketing tonnage tanker."

Some sources in the market and others that monitor the movement of ships have said that the United Leadership tanker sailed in the direction of the U.S. coast on the Gulf of Mexico since loading it from the Turkish port of Ceyhan last week .

According to the U.S. State Department , it does not turn a blind eye on the oil sales in isolation from Baghdad . It added that the central government may establish legal claims against the buyers.

In spite of its position , United States has already imported small quantities of Kurdish Crude but not through what is being pumped through the pipeline .

The Kurdish Government confirmed that crude will go to Europe in response to a question about the ship going to the United States and whether this shipment is , " the first of several similar deals .

The data showed that the tanker changed course when it was to the south of Portugal and went to Gibraltar in anticipation of orders that indicates that the company which bought the oil has not yet found a place to transfer the oil .

The Kurdish oil exports until the week before last week was limited only by   trucks to two Turkish ports on the Mediterranean. And threatened the Iraqi Oil Marketing Organization to take legal action but did not carry out its threat .

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