Anbar provincial council: Ministries of State began implementation of big projects in Ramadi

Anbar provincial council: Ministries of State began implementation of big projects in Ramadi

The deputy chairman of the Council , Faleh al-Issawi told “Shafaq News ", "The projects in the western region of Anbar are continuing normally , and ministries such as oil , agriculture and municipalities began to provide services strongly in Ramadi city and its affiliated areas ."
Al-Issawi added “projects are stopped in Fallujah and nearby areas because of the unstable security situation.”
A videotape posted on the Web sites last week has shown hundreds of fighters in a parade showing their guns downtown Fallujah and chanting “Islam state remains."
“Daash " elements controlled Fallujah for more than two months and a half after they succeeded in seizing cars of the local police and their weapons .

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