USD/IQD exchange rate surge in Baghdad, Erbil

USD/IQD exchange rate surge in Baghdad, Erbil
2024-04-30 08:11

Shafaq News / Following a downward trend for several days, the exchange rates of the US dollar resumed their increase on Tuesday morning in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil.

Our correspondent reported that the dollar rates rose with the opening of Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya central exchanges, reaching 145,500 IQD per $100.

The selling prices at currency exchange shops in Baghdad reached 146,500 IQD, while the buying price was 144,500 IQD per $100.

In Erbil, the selling price was at 145,500 IQD, and the buying price at 145,400 IQD per $100.

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