Iraq is the third-largest exporter of petroleum to China

Iraq is the third-largest exporter of petroleum to China

Shafaq News/ China's crude oil imports and exports in July increased by 25.3% year-on-year, exports by 20%, and imports by 32.7% year-on-year respectively.

According to the General Administration of Customs, China, the world's largest crude oil importer and the No. 2 consumer after the United States shipped oil from Saudi Arabia (46.690 million barrels per month), Russia (46.480 million barrels per month.)

Iraq is the third-largest exporter to China with 32.690 million barrels per month, 34.1% more than last June.

Kuwait was at No.5, followed by Oman.

It is worth noting that approximately 67% of Iraqi crude oil is exported to East Asia, primarily to China and India, while the rest is exported to Europe and the United States.

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