Shafaq News/ High-ranking U.S. officials, NEA Deputy Assistant Secretary Goldrich and OIR Commander Major General Vowell, held a critical meeting with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), and tribal leaders from Deir El-Zour in an effort to broker a ceasefire in the turbulent region of northeast Syria.

Amid growing concerns about the escalating violence, the U.S. representatives and local leaders "agreed on the importance of addressing the grievances of residents of Deir El-Zour, the dangers of outsiders interfering in Deir El-Zour, the need to avoid civilian deaths and casualties, and the need for de-escalation of violence as soon as possible," as per a statement released by the U.S. embassy in Syria on the social media platform X.

This move comes after sporadic clashes erupted in the Kurdish-controlled areas of Deir Ezzor province, leading to dozens of fatalities, including civilians.

The discussions underscored the pivotal role the U.S. plays in the region. "DAS Goldrich and MG Vowell reiterated the importance of the strong U.S. partnership with the SDF in the D-ISIS effort," the U.S. embassy statement highlighted, emphasizing America's ongoing commitment to the counter-terrorism mission in Syria.

While the immediate outcome of the meeting is a tentative ceasefire, all parties stressed the importance of fostering a long-term peace solution for the region's residents.