Shafaq News/ Saudi Arabia's new school curriculum appears to remove references to "Palestine" from maps and softens language critical of Israel, according to a report by an Israel-based thinktank.

The report, by IMPACT-se, said the changes in social studies textbooks for the 2023-2024 academic year no longer label the territory bordering Israel. The thinktank, which analyzes educational materials, has previously been involved in controversy.

The curriculum also reportedly removes terms deemed hostile towards Israel, such as "enemy" and "Zionist enemy." Previously mentioned Israeli ambitions in the region and efforts to displace Palestinians are also absent.

The report notes that references to East Jerusalem as occupied and the Palestinian capital remain. However, descriptions of Zionism and other critical language are said to be toned down. A total of 21 instances considered anti-Israel sentiment were removed, according to IMPACT-se.

The changes coincide with U.S.-led efforts to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The United States recently indicated progress on a potential defense pact with Riyadh, which some see as paving the way for normalization. Saudi Arabia has previously insisted on Palestinian statehood before establishing formal ties, a condition rejected by Israel's current government.