Shafaq News/ Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces (ISF) arrested a gang operating on TikTok accused of luring children into criminal activities.

According to a judicial official speaking to AFP, the gang allegedly used minors to entice other minors, promising them deals or opportunities in exchange for participation in illicit activities.

The victims, as young as 16 years old, were reportedly drugged, assaulted, and coerced into promoting drugs through blackmail.

The gang operated through various fronts, including a clothing shop account offering false promises and a hair salon, in addition to creating fake social media profiles to deceive their targets.

The intricate web of deception extended to well-known TikTok personalities, with at least six suspects arrested so far, including minors who were also prominent on the platform.

The six suspects are linked to a broader network of 28 individuals implicated in these criminal activities.

The arrested individuals hailed Lebanese, Syrian, and Turkish nationalities.