Shafaq News /On the eve of the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, thousands of citizens gather in the governorate of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), waiting for the first moments of the new year along with other governorates in the country.

Shafaq News Agency captured the wishes of citizens with the new year's arrival,

amid this festive atmosphere,

Raed Ibrahim from Diyala expressed, "My wish is for security and safety to prevail in Iraq first, and in Kurdistan as well. I hope all Iraqi governorates become like Erbil despite the difficulty of this wish."

Saman Khoshnaw, from Erbil, shared with the agency, "The Iraqi people are always oppressed, and we wish to live in peace and security in this country, especially in the Kurdistan Region and Erbil, which is a city of harmony and tolerance. We hope the new year brings goodness, blessings, and agreement among politicians in the Region and the central government, especially regarding the salaries of employees."

Meanwhile, Mara’i Maa’th from Nineveh told Shafaq News Agency, "We want security, safety, job opportunities, and appointments for the youth. This is all we wish for. Thank Godfor the security and safety in the Kurdistan Region."

Additionally, Mohammad, a Syrian citizen, mentioned to the agency, "There are many hopes with the new year, but the most important wish is for our loved ones' safety, security, and stability in the region overall, in Iraq, Syria, and Palestine."