Shafaq News / Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) arrested on Monday a suspect of smuggling ISIS families from Al-Hol camp, east of Al-Hasakah.

SDF Coordination and Military Operations Center said in a tweet, “the special units backed by the Global Coalition air forces carried out on Sunday a security operation in the town of Al-Hadadiyah, south of Al-Hasakah, which resulted in the arrest of the wanted person "

The SDF has not disclosed the identity of the arrested which is the second within a month.

Last January, SDF arrested a person working in smuggling ISIS members and families from Al-Hol camp, in the countryside of Tal Hamis, near the Syrian-Iraqi border.

Meanwhile, an informed source told Shafaq News Agency that "the Internal Security Forces (Asayish) of the Autonomous Administration found on Sunday the body of a young Iraqi refugee in Al-Hol camp, east of Hasakah, who died after bullets, pierced his body.”

The Asayish forces and the administration of Al-Hol camp held ISIS responsibility for the killings in the camp, which houses more than 60,000 people.

The United Nations expressed concern about the escalation of killings in Al-Hol, after recording 12 Syrians and Iraqis dead in the first half of last January.