Shafaq News/ Kurdistan’s President Nechirvan Barzani arrived back in Erbil on Tuesday evening following his two-day official visit to Iran.

The Vice Presidents, the KRG Interior Minister, the Chief of Staff of the Presidency, and other Kurdistan Region officials accompanied President Nechirvan Barzani.

“During his visit, President Nechirvan Barzani engaged in discussions with Iran’s leaders and senior officials, including the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, President Ebrahim Raisi, the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, the Foreign Minister, the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.” The Presidency stated.

The Kurdish Presidency statement considered Barzani’s discussions with leaders and high-ranking officials “fruitful” regarding Iran’s ties with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and potential areas of collaboration between them.

During his meetings, President Barzani reiterated the Kurdistan Region’s “unwavering commitment to fostering and enhancing these relations, expressing a genuine eagerness to further broaden the scope of cooperation.”

In a press conference in Tehran today, President Barzani emphasized the commencement of a “fresh chapter in the relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kurdistan Region.”