Shafaq News/ As the third day of Eid al-Fitr unfolds, a steady influx of tourists from various provinces continues to pour into the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, which has witnessed a significant uptick in visitor numbers in recent days.

The city center and its historic citadel have been the primary destinations for most tourists arriving from the central and southern provinces of the country.

Shafaq News Agency canvassed the opinions of tourists in the area, with the majority concurring that the Kurdistan region is their foremost holiday destination.

Sajjad Sami, a tourist hailing from Baghdad, noted that "the city of Erbil is the main tourist destination for all Iraqis. It attracts a multitude of visitors on various occasions, including weekly vacations, owing to the city's beautiful orderliness, cleanliness, and urban development, in addition to the stunning natural landscapes as we venture to the city's outskirts."

Erbil's local authorities had previously announced their intention to offer a plethora of facilitations for tourists entering the city during the Eid festivities, in accordance with a joint action plan between concerned entities.

Amira Majid, a tourist from Basra, acknowledged that "the Kurdistan Regional Government has provided numerous facilitations for tourists who have visited the city during the Eid days, taking into account the massive influx of visitors and the considerable numbers arriving without any hassle. This has been one of the positive aspects of our family's trip to Erbil this Eid."

Mukhlid Abbas, a tourist from Baghdad, expressed that "the difference in languages does not impede the city's appeal as a tourist destination because the majority of informational signs are written in Arabic alongside Kurdish. Moreover, there are government employees proficient in the Arabic language at government departments when they are needed. This eases communication and ensures that the language barrier does not disrupt the experience."