Shafaq News / The President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bafel Talabani, issued a statement on Friday condemning the recent attack on al-Sulaymaniyah International Airport and attempts to disrupt the work of foreign employees in an effort to destabilize the security of the Sulaymaniyah region.

In a statement, Talabani stated that "criminal activities and the crossing of borders between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq with the guidance of a local security intelligence agency are not uncommon, and we have a long history with them. However, Sulaymaniyah and its history and people are much bigger and more heroic than the empty imagination of one party trying to tarnish its reputation and corrupt the lives of its people."

Talabani continued, "The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan has been cautious in the past in order to maintain unity and achieve the higher interests of our people, but the continued inappropriate behavior of some security agencies of a political party under an oppressive government has exceeded all limits."

"We are proud to be Kurds and to have Kurdistan in our hearts. We have faced all risks for the sake of our people's lives. Disrupting peace in the region and Sulaymaniyah is a red line, and we will say it again and louder: Either Kurdistan or we will disappear", he concluded.