Shafaq News / The Directorate of Migration, Displaced Persons, and Crisis Response in Duhok announced on Sunday that the number of displaced families wishing to return to their original areas over the past two weeks had reached 600.

The director of the department, Dian Jafar, told Shafaq News Agency that the displaced are going through difficult circumstances due to the decline of international humanitarian organization projects, which have shifted from providing material assistance to developmental and rehabilitative programs.

Jafar emphasized that the regional government has begun to bear a significant burden of responsibility following the suspension of humanitarian programs in various fields such as electricity, education, health, among others.

Meanwhile, Khadida Joqi, the director of the Sinjar district, pointed out that 45% of the displaced had returned to their areas, explaining that twenty displaced families arrive daily to the Sinjar areas.

According to the latest statistics of the Directorate of Migration and Displaced in Duhok, more than 300,000 displaced people have been living in 15 camps in Duhok for over nine years, following the occupation of their areas in Sinjar by ISIS in 2014. United Nations aid to the displaced and refugees in the province's camps has been reduced by 70% since the beginning of 2023.