Shafaq News/ The Yazidis population in Kurdistan Region and Iraq is significantly declining due to ISIS' invasion of Sinjar.

The Director of Yazidi Religion Affairs in Duhok, Jaafar Samo, told Shafaq News Agency, "100 thousand out of the 500 thousand Yazidis migrated after ISIS had attacked their areas in Sinjar." 

"80% of the Yazidis have been displaced and live now in camps in Kurdistan, and they refuse to return due to the instability and the presence of some outlaw forces in their areas."

Samo stressed that "the solution to the return of the displaced is implementing the Sinjar Agreement to normalize the security, administrative and service conditions in these areas."

In October 2020, The Iraqi government announced that Baghdad had reached a "historic deal" with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) over the governance and security of Sinjar.

"The deal ends the authority of intruding groups and paves the way for the reconstruction of the city and the full return of its people in coordination with the Kurdistan Regional Government," PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said at the time.

According to the agreement, all armed factions are deported outside the borders of Sinjar, including PKK and PMF.

Sinjar falls within an area disputed between the central government in Baghdad and the KRG, based in Erbil, according to Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution.

The Yazidis have inhabited the mountains of northwestern Iraq for centuries, and the region is home to their holy places, shrines, and ancestral villages.

They are also concentrated north of Mosul and in the Kurdish-controlled governorate of Dohuk.

The Yazidis have suffered since ISIS stormed Sinjar in 2014.

ISIS slaughtered more than 3,000 Yazidis, enslaved 7,000 women and girls, and displaced most of its 550,000-strong community.