Shafaq News / A member of the Human Rights Commission in Iraq, Fadhil Al-Gharawi, reported on Thursday that three displaced Yazidis suicide within a month.

In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, Al-Gharawi said, "The UNHCR documented the suicide of three displaced persons in the displacement camps during a month in the Yazidi camps in Duhok and Mount Sinjar."

Al-Gharawi added that "the three cases were victims of violence and slavery in the era of ISIS, and they suffer deep psychological effects because of their exposure to these crimes and the loss of their families."

He called on the government, saying, "To expedite the return of the displaced, to study the reasons that have led to the high rates of suicide in the displaced camps, and to find urgent solutions and remedies for them."

Al-Gharawi also urged "international and local organizations working in the health field in these camps to intensify psychological rehabilitation programs for women victims of violence and end the displacement of these families, by completing the rehabilitation procedures for Sinjar district, west of Nineveh."