Shafaq News/ A source told Shafaq News Agency that a security force had arrested civil Activist Dergham Majed in Babel Governorate on an arrest warrant issued by the relevant authorities.

According to our source, Majed is currently being questioned in a security center, but it is not clear yet what the charges are.

In support of the Activist, angry demonstrators gathered on Tuesday evening in the center of Nasiriyah, the capital of Dhi Qar governorate, and blocked a main intersection with burning tires.

Majid, a resident in Babel, is a civil society activist who constantly called for demonstrations in several governorates.

According to Washington Institute, in 2021, Iraqi activists have likewise been increasingly subjected to assassinations and threats. For example, the head of the Lawyers, Syndicate Ali Al-Hamami, was killed in the Al-Shatrah neighborhood after unknown persons stormed his house on January 8. The same day, activist Dr. Haider Yasser was found dead in Nasiriyah, Dhi Qar Governorate. According to the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights, two activists from the governorate of Dhi Qar were subsequently assassinated, and about 30 activists, including a journalist, were arrested between January 8 and 9.