Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, Abdul Rahim Al-Shammari, The MP for Nineveh Governorate, reassured residents of Al-Baaj district, west of Mosul, after the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced a general amnesty for detainees.

"We assure the people of western Nineveh, particularly in Al-Baaj district's border areas, that our Popular Mobilization Forces are fully prepared to prevent any border infiltration," Al-Shammari told Shafaq News Agency.

He further stated that “the security forces are fully prepared at the border, and there are no concerns about the SDF releasing hundreds of detainees. Border control now is much stronger than before 2014, with enhanced military, security, and border forces ensuring complete regional security.”

Earlier today, a document was leaked to the 20th Division of the Western Nineveh Operations Command (NOC) in Sinjar district (northwest of Nineveh), calling for precautionary measures in response to a general amnesty for detainees held by the SDF.

The document, titled "A Secret and Immediate Telegram," urged the 20th Division of the Western NOC to take precautionary measures following the SDF's general amnesty for about 1,200 detainees who are believed to be planning to infiltrate Iraq.

A military source from the 20th Division of the Iraqi Army told Shafaq News Agency that "the SDF has released 147 detainees from Syrian prisons and plans to release more from other facilities following this amnesty. This information has been reported by media outlets affiliated with the SDF and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which opposes the Turkish regime."

Following the SDF's capture of northeastern Syria with US Coalition support, around 10,000 ISIS fighters are held in high-security facilities. The region also hosts over 50,000 individuals connected to ISIS in camps like Al-Hol.

Major prisons include Ghweran in Hasakah, the largest ISIS prison globally, along with the Industrial Prison, Camp al-Bulgar, Shaddadi Prison, Derik/Malikiyah, Kisrah, Rumailan, Nafker, and Raqqa Central Prison. Many of these facilities, located near US bases, maintain tight security for thousands of ISIS members.