Shafaq News/ Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada Brigades announced today postponing its military operations against the US forces in Iraq (expected to start early next year), until further notice, according to what the Secretary-General of the Babylon movement, Rayan al-Kildani, reported.

Al-Kildani said in a statement that he met the leader of the Kata'ib, Abu Alaa al-Walaei, after opening the door to volunteering in military operations against the US forces, since they did not abide by the agreement between Baghdad and Washington about the withdrawal of the American army from Iraq on December 31.

Al-Kildani indicated that he asked the al-Walaei to postpone his military plan because it coincides with the holidays, stressing that the latter agreed.

The commander of the "Sayyid al-Shuhada" Brigades, Abu Ala' al-Walei, revealed earlier this year that he has a plan that includes military operations against the American forces in Iraq starting from December 31, after "the resistance factions felt the administration's lack of seriousness."