Shafaq News / The High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq (HCHRI) announced on Tuesday that three protestors were killed in Al-Tahrir Square, in the center of the capital, Baghdad.

The commission said in a statement received by Shafaq News agency that it, "documented the events that took place in Al-Tahrir Square (yesterday) Monday as a result of clashes between the security forces and the demonstrators, which led to the death of three protesters and injuring of 21 of them", indicating that there are critical cases among the injured. 

The Commission condemned, "using violence and restricting of the freedom of peaceful demonstration", calling on the government to, "expedite the announcement of the results of investigations and bring those responsible to justice". 

The commission urged the security forces and the demonstrators, "to take the utmost discipline and to stay away from any clashes that could result in deaths and injuries", affirming that, "the commission will continue to document the events that occurred and will issue detailed reports of what happened once the commissioner's investigation teams complete their tasks", adding that, "complaints and reports will be referred to the public prosecutor and the Human Rights Court in accordance with the legal mandate of the commissioner, as it constitutes a flagrant violation of freedom of opinion, expression, and peaceful protest". 

Al-Tahrir Square and the surrounding area all the way to Al-Tayaran Square are witnessing violent protests against poor public services, especially electricity. 

On Monday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi gave the security services 72 hours to announce the results of the investigation into the violence that accompanied the protests in Baghdad.