Shafaq News / A security source said on Saturday that 4 people carrying Molotov had arrested.


The source told Shafaq News agency that the arrested had narcotic pills and crystal and the judiciary took legal measures against them.


He added that they were arrested late yesterday for using Molotov to burn the Parliament office in Basra Governorate.

On Friday evening, dozens of protesters set fire to the Parliament's office in Basra, and threw stones and Molotov at security forces, demanding the disclosure of the killers of the demonstrators and activists, amid tight security measures against the backdrop of calls for demonstrations launched yesterday on social media.

For his part, Basra Governor Asaad Al-Eidani rejected any targeting of any activist in the governorate.

Al-Eidani said in a press conference, attended by Shafaq News Agency, that “everyone rejects the interference of any political parties that might try to use the demonstrators,” pointing out that “there are Facebook pages publish posts as using the Basra incidents for political purposes.”


For his part, MP Falih Khazali said during the conference that “we support peaceful demonstrations and the investigation file must be continues,” adding “we reject the some politicians interference in the security file.”

Unidentified gunmen launched a series of assassination against activists in the protests since last Friday.

The most violent attacks took place in Basra last Friday and Wednesday, killing a number of activists and civilians, while other activists were subjected to assassination in other governorates, including Dhi Qar.


After the assassinations, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi tweeted,  "Collusion with the killers is unacceptable, and we will do whatever is necessary for the Ministry of Interior and Security services to protecting the security of society from the threats of outlaws."


The popular movement began in Iraq in October 2019 and is still continuing in a limited way.

According to government Data, about 560 demonstrators and security personnel were killed during the protests, among them dozens of activists who were assassinated by unknown persons.

Al-Kadhimi’s government has pledged to prosecute those involved in the killing of protesters and activists, but no accused has been brought to justice so far.