Shafaq News/ The Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Bachir Al-Haddad, called on the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee and some deputies to act rapidly against the Turkish Army actions.

Earlier, photos and videos circulated on media showed that the Turkish Army cut trees and dredged large lands said to be located within the Kurdistan Region on the border with Turkey.

 Al-Haddad’s media office said in a statement the Deputy Speaker met today, Wednesday, in Baghdad, Turkey's New Ambassador to Iraq, Ali Reza Guney to discuss that matter. 

“The Turkish ambassador declared that the dredging took place within Turkish territory on the border strip”, the statement clarified. 

Al-Haddad called on the Security and Defense Committee of the Iraqi Parliament and some involved deputies to follow up on this issue that caused anger among all Iraqis, and to keep the parliament informed about all developments.

He explained that the Turkish random bombardment and military operations are affecting the residents negatively, and damaging their properties, as well as affecting Iraq's sovereignty, and straining the relations between the two neighboring countries.