Shafaq News/ The United States has completed the withdrawal of all its forces from Air Base 101 in Niamey, the capital of Niger, according to a joint statement from both countries.

The statement reads, "The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Niger and the US Department of Defense announce that the withdrawal of US forces and equipment from Air Base 101 in Niamey has been completed."

By September 15th, the US is also required to withdraw its forces from the city of Agadez in northern Niger.

According to the statement, 766 American soldiers have already left Niger.

The US and Niger announced they had reached an agreement for disengagement, prompting the withdrawal of US forces deployed as part of an "anti-jihadist mission" after Niamey declared their presence illegal.

A US military official told Russia's Sputnik news agency that the US, as part of its withdrawal, has relocated approximately 60 soldiers to Germany, where they will continue their service.