Shafaq News/ Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III has directed approximately 2,000 additional U.S. troops to prepare for deployment to support Israel, according to a statement released by the Pentagon.

This decision comes as Israeli forces brace for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, marking a critical juncture in the ongoing crisis in the region.

Currently stationed in various locations, including the United States and Europe, these troops, if deployed, are not expected to serve in combat roles, as clarified by Pentagon officials. Instead, their focus would be on air defense, security, logistics, medical, and intelligence functions, emphasizing the strategic and supportive nature of their potential mission.

Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh confirmed that the Pentagon recognized the need for additional specialists in crucial areas such as air defense, security, logistics, medical, and intelligence. However, specific units earmarked for increased preparedness have not yet been identified.

While no final decision has been made regarding the deployment of these forces, Secretary Austin's order to enhance their readiness underscores the Pentagon's commitment to swiftly adapt to the evolving security dynamics in the Middle East.

This proactive measure bolsters the U.S. military's ability to respond promptly to the rapidly changing situation in the region, demonstrating a proactive stance in the face of escalating tensions.

The situation remains highly fluid, with international attention focused on the Middle East as Israel continues its aggression against Palestinians, killing civilians, mainly children.

The last Israeli bombardment targeted a hospital, killing about 500. Israel blames a misfired rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an allegation denied by the group.