Shafaq News/ High-stakes negotiations involving the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the head of the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad), and the Qatari Prime Minister are underway in Doha today. The tripartite meeting aims to forge an agreement for the release of hostages and a ceasefire following the recent attack on Gaza, as reported by Reuters sources.

As noted by an insider, the advantage of this tripartite dialogue lies in bringing all three critical parties to one table simultaneously, expediting the negotiation process. The talks are delving into crucial aspects, including the prospect of allowing humanitarian fuel imports into Gaza, a region grappling with a healthcare system on the brink of collapse due to airstrikes, overcrowding, and shortages of essential supplies.

Qatar, a nation where several Hamas political leaders reside, is at the forefront of mediating efforts between Hamas and Israeli officials. 

The discussions aim to secure the release of detainees held by Hamas since the October 7 attack on Israel.

An informed source disclosed to Reuters that Qatar is actively mediating negotiations, seeking the release of 10 to 15 individuals detained by Hamas. A humanitarian truce of one to two days in Gaza is being considered in exchange. This ceasefire period would enable Hamas to compile information about civilian detainees, potentially leading to the release of several dozen others. The exact number of detainees involved remains uncertain.

According to an Egyptian security source quoted by Reuters, a ceasefire of 24 to 48 hours is anticipated, or a determination of the scope of significant operations in the coming week, in exchange for releasing detainees. The pressure on Israel to agree to these terms has escalated, with the United States and other nations intensifying their efforts.

US President Joe Biden, expressing humanitarian concerns, urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt the fighting earlier this week. The G7 foreign ministers, convening in Tokyo, echoed this sentiment, calling for a humanitarian truce in Gaza.