Shafaq News / Israel has been holding talks for two weeks, in an attempt to reach the appointment of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the position of coordinator of humanitarian operations in the Gaza Strip.

The Yedioth Ahronoth website, which reported the news on Sunday, reported that the exact definition of the position is not yet clear, but it is clear that it will deal with the worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, with a focus on health conditions and the possibility of wounded and sick Palestinians leaving the Strip.

The website quoted an unnamed senior Israeli official as saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is interested in appointing Blair, who worked for years as a special envoy for the international Quartet for peace in the Middle East, which includes the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia, and that the Quartet office is aware of the communications.

Blair served as British Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007. Blair played a prominent role in involving Britain in the Afghanistan war alongside the United States. He was also enthusiastic about the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and always defended military action in the region.

(Al-Araby al-Jadeed)