Shafaq News/ The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Monday the successful interception of a drone attack from Ukraine targeting the Russian capital, Moscow. The incident underscores the escalating tensions between the two countries and the evolving landscape of modern warfare.

According to an official statement, the attempted attack occurred at 06:50 Moscow time. The Ukrainian drone was promptly detected and neutralized by utilizing advanced electronic warfare systems stationed in Odintsovo, located on the western outskirts of Moscow. The ministry assured that there were no casualties resulting from the thwarted attack.

On Sunday, Russian defenses in the Rostov-on-Don and Belgorod regions effectively repelled another attack by Ukrainian forces, further illustrating the heightened state of alert in the border regions.

In a separate event on the same Sunday, Ukrainian forces targeted the city of Kursk in southwestern Russia. The assault, involving a drone, struck the roof of the local railway station. As a consequence, five individuals sustained minor injuries from flying glass shards.

Ukrainian drone strikes, both near the border regions and even within the Russian capital, have witnessed an unsettling upswing in recent months. Moscow's financial district has been a recurring target of these attacks.

Ukrainian authorities typically refrain from publicly acknowledging their involvement in strikes on Russian territory. However, there have been instances where officials have expressed apparent contentment over these actions.