Shafaq News / US President Joe Biden announced his country's support for the Iranian people today, Friday, following a year since the protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini. He emphasized the provision of "necessary tools to support the Iranians' ability to defend their future" and revealed new sanctions against human rights violators.

Biden stated, "As we remember the tragic death of Mahsa today, we reaffirm our commitment to the brave Iranian people who continue their mission."

He continued, "The Iranians will decide their country's fate on their own, but the US remains committed to standing by them, including by providing the necessary tools to support the Iranians' ability to defend their future."

He confirmed that the US would announce "additional sanctions targeting some egregious human rights violators."

The Iranian Kurdish woman Amini (22 years old) passed away on September 16 last year after being detained in Tehran on charges of violating the strict dress code imposed on women in the Islamic Republic. Her death sparked protests across the country under the slogan "Woman, Life, Freedom."

The US Treasury Department reported that it had added 25 additional Iranian officials, three media outlets, and a research company to its sanctions blacklist, all linked to Tehran's suppression of protests following Amini's death.

Most of the targets are regional leaders from the National Police Force and the Revolutionary Guard.

Sanctions were also imposed on Gholam Ali Mohammadi, who heads the Iranian Prisons Organization, with the Treasury Department stating that he oversees the most serious human rights violations, including torture and rape.

State-owned media groups "Press TV," "Tasnim News Agency," and "Fars News Agency" were all added to the sanctions list.

The "Internet Research Company" refers to a company that aids the government in monitoring the internet. The Treasury Department stated that the company "works alongside Iranian security and intelligence apparatuses... expanding the regime's ability to suppress."

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken noted that Washington had imposed sanctions in coordination with the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, "and other partners who are also imposing sanctions this week." London announced new sanctions against Iran earlier on Friday.

These sanctions come after the US and Iran reached an agreement to release five detained American citizens in exchange for the release of Iranian funds totaling six billion dollars.

The release of the American citizens is expected to take place next week.