Shafaq News/ Pope Francis strongly disapproved of the burning of the Quran, deeming such actions "rejected and condemned," and emphasized the significance of fostering respect for differences among people.

In an interview with the UAE newspaper "Al-Ittihad," published on Monday, Pope Francis expressed his deep "anger and disgust" towards actions like burning sacred texts. He asserted that any book considered holy by its authors should be treated with respect, out of consideration for those who hold it sacred.

The Pope stressed that freedom of expression should never be exploited as an excuse to belittle or demean others.

The Pope's comments came after a highly controversial incident where an Iraqi immigrant in Sweden, Salwan Momica, trampled on a copy of the Quran and set its pages on fire near the Grand Mosque in Stockholm.

The incident triggered widespread outrage across the Middle East and beyond, coinciding with the celebration of Eid al-Adha.

During the in-depth interview, Pope Francis conveyed a message to young people worldwide, urging them to embrace tolerance and renounce violence. He underscored that true tolerance emerges when individuals learn to respect and appreciate differences, recognizing them as a source of enrichment rather than a threat.

The Pontiff also condemned all acts that endanger human life, including genocide, terrorist operations, forced displacement, and human organ trafficking.