Shafaq News / A recent poll revealed that nearly two-thirds of Democratic Party supporters are concerned that President Joe Biden may not be able to complete his second term in the White House if re-elected in the upcoming presidential elections.

According to The Telegraph, many express worries about the impact of his advanced age on his ability to handle presidential duties.

Democratic voters generally believe that Biden has performed well in addressing political issues during his first term, but a significant percentage of them express concerns about his ability to endure and maintain mental agility, especially given his age of eighty.

Responding to a question about whether they support Biden running for the presidency again in the next elections, 49% of Democrats, as per a recent CNN poll published on September 7, fear reduced chances of victory. 60% of them believe that his age would make it challenging for him to win the 2024 elections and complete a second presidential term.

The President's health has become a major concern for American voters, transcending political affiliations. About 75%, according to a poll by The Wall Street Journal, published this week, see Biden as too old to seek re-election effectively.

It is noteworthy that only 4% of respondents expressed similar concerns about Donald Trump, who is 77 years old and is expected to be the Republican candidate competing against Biden in the next presidential elections.

Furthermore, this issue has raised concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris. Opinion polls show weaker support for her compared to Biden, and she has been the target of repeated attacks by Republicans during their political campaigns.

Nikki Haley, a Republican candidate for the presidential primaries, stated that voters choosing Biden in 2024 risk electing Kamala Harris because "it is likely" that he may pass away during his second term.

Notably, among the 45 US Presidents in the country's history, eight passed away while in office. Franklin Roosevelt was the last President to die of natural causes while in office in April 1945, shortly before the end of World War II.

Biden has attempted to dispel concerns about his age, claiming that he has gained "more wisdom" during his many years in politics.

As the 2024 presidential elections approach, with Biden being in his eighties if re-elected, it appears that there is an expectation of a close race with intensified competition between Biden and Trump. However, the CNN poll revealed that 46% of voters believe that any Republican candidate would be a better choice than Biden, indicating that concerns about his age may weigh in favor of any potential rival in the race for the presidency.

On the other hand, pre-election opinion polls, 14 months ahead of the elections, indicate that Biden's approval ratings are lower than those of previous Presidents, including Republicans like Ronald Reagan and Democrats like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, during the same stage of their re-election campaigns.