Shafaq News/ Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a statement on the recent events in Lebanon, condemning Israeli attacks and reaffirming support for Hezbollah and the Axis of Resistance movement in the region.

In his message, Khamenei described the attacks on civilians in Lebanon as a "massacre of defenseless people" and denounced the "brutal nature" of the Israeli government. He referred to Israel as a "rabid Zionist dog" and criticized its leadership for what he called "short-sighted and foolish policies."

"The criminal gang ruling the Zionist entity has failed to learn from its year-long criminal war in Gaza. They still don’t understand that mass killing of women, children, and civilians will not weaken or overthrow the resilient structure of the resistance," Khamenei said, likening Israel’s actions in Lebanon to the strategies used in Gaza.

Hezbollah, Khamenei noted, “remains strong and impervious to Israel's aggression…all regional resistance forces stand united with Hezbollah and expressed confidence that the resistance would ultimately shape the fate of the region.”

"The criminals of the Zionist regime are far too insignificant to harm the strong foundation of Lebanon’s Hezbollah," he stated.

Khamenei also recalled the historical role of Hezbollah in defending Lebanon during previous Israeli invasions, particularly when the group succeeded in driving Israeli forces out of Beirut

“Hezbollah, with divine assistance, would once again make Israel regret its actions.”

"The people of Lebanon have not forgotten how Hezbollah once cut the legs of the occupying forces that reached even Beirut and made Lebanon proud and dignified. Today, with God's help and power, they will make the aggressive and cowardly enemy regret again," he said.

In closing, Khamenei called on all Muslims to support Lebanon and Hezbollah in resisting Israel’s aggression. "All Muslims have to stand with Lebanon and the victorious Hezbollah, offering their full support against the oppressive and criminal Zionist regime," he concluded.