Shafaq News / The opposition Syrian Observatory announced a fresh toll of Israeli airstrikes that targeted the outskirts of the capital, Damascus.

According to the statement, Israeli airstrikes occurred after midnight on Sunday-Monday, hitting areas known to host warehouses and military sites affiliated with Iranian militias near Damascus International Airport, the Damascus area of Al-Dimas, and the western outskirts of the capital, Damascus.

The strikes resulted in the deaths of six individuals, including four regime forces members and two unidentified individuals, while at least seven others sustained varying degrees of injuries," the Observatory reported.

The Observatory also highlighted, the airstrikes caused the destruction of weapon and ammunition depots in the targeted locations."

"Throughout this year, Israel has conducted 22 attacks on Syrian territory, comprising 17 aerial and 5 ground strikes. These strikes have resulted in the targeting and destruction of approximately 51 objectives, including weapon and ammunition warehouses, headquarters, centers, and vehicles," the statement further noted.

"In the wake of these attacks, 59 military personnel lost their lives, and 61 others suffered injuries of varying severity. The casualties include 24 regime forces members, including two officers, 22 non-Syrian 'militias' affiliated with Iran, six Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and four Syrian nationals affiliated with Iranian 'militias.' Additionally, three members of Lebanon's 'Hezbollah' were killed, along with the deaths of a civilian man and woman, with several others injured in the process," the Observatory added.