Shafaq News/ The Israeli Army has intensified its military campaign in the Gaza Strip, targeting 750 military sites over the past six days.

According to army spokesman Avichay Adraee, these targets included underground tunnels, military compounds, Hamas officials' homes used as headquarters, weapons depots, and communication rooms affiliated with Hamas.

Adraee also stated that several Hamas activists were killed during the operations, "including those responsible for firing mortar shells at Israel."

The Israeli military's airstrikes on Gaza involved dozens of warplanes that killed more than 1,500 Palestinians, including civilians and children.

Earlier, the Israeli Army had issued warnings to residents of Gaza City, urging them to evacuate their homes and move southward for their safety. The Army cautioned that military operations were intensifying in the city, designating it as “an active combat zone.”

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric stated that such an order if implemented, would lead to devastating humanitarian consequences and urged for its immediate cancellation.

According to Dujarric, the order applies not only to Palestinians but also to all United Nations employees and individuals residing in UN-affiliated facilities, including schools, health centers, and clinics.

"The United Nations strongly appeals for any such order, if confirmed, to be rescinded, avoiding what could transform what is already a tragedy into a calamitous situation," he said.