Shafaq News/ An Iranian report on Thursday warned of the growing presence of Afghan refugees in the southern suburbs of the capital, Tehran, with most state schools operating on double shifts due to accommodate migrant pupils.

The report, published by the Iranian news outlet "Jahan San'at News", said that southern Tehran is heavily populated by Afghan refugees. More than 75% of births in the capital and its suburbs are linked to Afghan women, and 80% of the country's schools have adopted double-shift schedules to accommodate Afghan students.

These statistics offer a glimpse into the concerns raised within Iranian society regarding the increasing trend of irregular Afghan migration, the report added.

While precise statistics regarding the Afghan migrant population are not provided by government officials, Iranian State Minister Ahmad Vahidi stated last week that there are approximately five million Afghans in Iran. Some sources estimate the number to be over eight million.

The report highlights the ongoing debate among experts concerning the impact of rising Afghan migration.

Some argue that Afghan presence offers economic opportunities and benefits to the Iranian economy, while others express concerns about their involvement in informal and illicit activities, tax evasion, security issues, and cultural challenges.

Hassan Forouzanfar, a member of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, noted that this migration could have positive effects on the Iranian economy. However, he emphasized that many of these migrants engage in informal and unlawful work, leading to tax evasion and, in some cases, contributing to security and cultural challenges.