Shafaq News/ An Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi warned that the Mediterranean Sea could face closure if the United States and its allies continue what Iran perceives as "crimes" in Gaza.

Iran supports Hamas against Israel and accuses the U.S. of backing Israeli actions in Gaza.

Naqdi stated, "They shall soon await the closure of the Mediterranean Sea, (the Strait of) Gibraltar, and other waterways."

While it remains unclear how Iran could implement such a closure, recent attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea by Yemen's Houthi group, aligned with Iran, have raised concerns about disruptions in maritime routes.

The White House noted Iran's deep involvement in planning operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea.

Naqdi also mentioned the "birth of new powers of resistance and the closure of other waterways," referencing Iran's strategic position in the region.