Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Iran's hard-line former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad registered for the upcoming presidential election.

Ahmadinejad was barred from running in 2021 by the Guardian Council, overseen by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Speaking after his registration, Ahmadinejad vowed to seek "constructive engagement" with the world and improve economic relations with all nations.

"The economic, political, cultural, and security problems are beyond the situation in 2013," he said, referring to the year he left the presidency after two terms.

In a symbolic gesture, Ahmadinejad raised his finger in the air and declared, "Long live the spring, long live Iran!" after addressing journalists in front of a bank of microphones.

Before he arrived at Iran's Interior Ministry, supporters chanted and waved Iranian flags. Ahmadinejad, 67, was greeted with shouts of "God is the greatest!" as he descended the ministry stairs, showing his passport to dozens of photographers and video journalists.

The election, planned for June 28, seeks to replace President Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May along with seven others, including FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Former parliament speaker Ali Larijani, a conservative with strong ties to former President Hassan Rouhani, has already registered. Abdolnasser Hemmati, former Iranian Central Bank chief and a 2021 candidate, has also joined the race.

Acting President Mohammad Mokhber, seen as a potential front-runner, has been meeting with Khamenei.

Former reformist President Mohammad Khatami is also discussed as a possible candidate, but his candidacy, like Ahmadinejad's, remains to be determined.

The five-day registration period closes on Tuesday, and the Guardian Council is expected to issue its final list of candidates within ten days. This will allow for a shortened two-week campaign before the late June vote.

Ahmadinejad served two four-year terms from 2005 to 2013. Under Iranian law, he became eligible to run again after four years out of office. However, he remains a polarizing figure. His disputed re-election in 2009 sparked massive "Green Movement" protests and a sweeping crackdown.