Shafaq News/ India has wrested the crown from China to become the world's most populous nation, the World Population website reported on Sunday.

The South Asian nation now boasts an astonishing 1.428 billion individuals, marginally overtaking China's colossal count of 1.425 billion.

Trailing behind the two titans, the United States holds the third spot, sheltering approximately 340 million souls within its borders. Indonesia, an archipelago of immense cultural diversity, occupies the fourth berth with a population reaching over 277 million. Pakistan, a country known for its blend of bustling cities and expansive rural landscapes, completes the top quintet with around 241 million citizens.

On the other end of the spectrum, microstates hold their ground despite their diminutive size. The Vatican City, world-renowned as the spiritual heart of Catholicism, is home to a mere 5,185 inhabitants. The Pacific island nations of Tuvalu and Nauru follow suit with equally sparse populations of approximately 11,400 and 12,800 respectively.

In an Arab context, Egypt remains unsurpassed as the region's most populous nation, teeming with an impressive 112 million citizens. Sudan secures the second position with close to 48 million people, followed closely by Algeria with approximately 45.6 million.

Meanwhile, Iraq, ranking fourth in the Arab world, has seen its population burgeon to around 45.5 million, ascending from 44.5 million in the previous year. This remarkable growth propels it to the 35th position on the global stage.

Further down the list, Morocco and Saudi Arabia round off the top six Arab nations with populations of around 37.8 million and 37 million, respectively.