Shafaq News / Lebanese Hezbollah strongly condemned the blatant American aggression in Iraq and Syria today, Saturday, following airstrikes that targeted multiple areas in both countries, resulting in casualties and injuries.

Hezbollah stated that the actions of the US constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and security of both nations, a brazen disregard for international and humanitarian laws. It emphasized that these new attacks contribute to destabilizing the region, providing unjustified pretexts for the continued American occupation of various areas in Iraq and Syria against the will of their people aspiring for freedom and independence.

The party further asserted that the US aggression in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen exposes the falsehood of American claims of not seeking to escalate conflicts in the region. On the contrary, it fuels conflict, tension, and war escalation in the region.

"We believe that this heinous aggression drives the Iraqi and Syrian peoples to adhere to the path of resistance to liberate their countries from American occupation and to continue supporting and backing the oppressed Gaza Strip until the Zionist aggression and crimes cease," Hezbollah stated.

Earlier today, CENTCOM stated that US military forces targeted over 85 locations using multiple aircraft, including long-range bombers launched from the United States.

According to the statement, more than 125 precision-guided munitions were used in the airstrikes, targeting command and control centers, intelligence facilities, and storage sites for rockets, drones, ammunition, and logistical supplies belonging to the militias and the IRGC.

Furthermore, US President Joe Biden had directed military forces to strike targets in Iraq and Syria used by the IRGC and their affiliated militias to attack US forces, emphasizing that while the United States does not seek escalation in the Middle East, it will respond decisively to those who harm Americans.

Moreover, the spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, confirmed that the Iraqi government had been informed before the airstrikes.

In response, Iraq's government spokesperson, Basim Al-Awadi, denied any prior coordination between Baghdad and Washington regarding the US aggression targeting security forces' locations in Al-Anbar, confirming 16 fatalities and 25 injuries.