Shafaq News / The Danish government has introduced a draft law today, Friday, aimed at prohibiting the burning of the Quran, prompted by the disruptions witnessed in several Islamic nations due to the reported desecration of the Quran in Denmark.

During a press conference on Friday, Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard highlighted that the legislation "will prevent any inappropriate handling of objects that bear significant religious importance to a particular faith," as reported by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Hummelgaard clarified that the legal framework is particularly focused on averting the burning and desecration of these revered symbols within public spaces.

The minister pointed out that the act of burning copies of the Quran, which he characterized as "an expression of disdain and a lack of empathy... inflicts harm upon Denmark and undermines its interests," as reported by AFP.

Expanding on his statement, the minister stressed, "This is fundamental to our beliefs and principles... We cannot remain passive as a minority strives to incite violent reactions."

The proposed new provision is intended to be incorporated into Article 12 of the Penal Code, which pertains to matters of national security. This legislative amendment will also encompass cases involving the desecration of sacred texts like the Bible or the Torah, along with religious symbols such as the cross. Those found guilty may face fines and a potential prison term of up to two years.

It is noteworthy that earlier, the Danske Patrioter, an Islamophobic extremist group, burned the Quran outside Iraq's Embassy in Copenhagen. The group displayed insulting slogans against Islam, stamped the Iraqi flag and a copy of the Quran, all under police protection. This was documented in videos shared on social media. The group claimed this act in protest against the attack on Sweden's Embassy in Baghdad.

In response, a wave of condemnation emerged from various Islamic nations, including Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Senegal, Mauritania, and Turkey, in reaction to the Quran's burning. Large-scale protests were witnessed in Pakistan and Iraq, Morocco recalled its envoy to Sweden, Iran postponed the appointment of a new ambassador to Sweden, and other nations voiced their opposition to the incident, signaling their dissent against Stockholm.