Shafaq News / President Joe Biden stated on Saturday that he believes Hamas's attack on Israel last October 7th, during Operation al-Aqsa Flood, was inspired by the diplomatic progress in the region, especially with Saudi Arabia, in normalizing its relations with Israel, an initiative driven by his administration. He affirmed his determination to complete a rail line from the Middle East to Europe, which would include Israel and Saudi Arabia.

As reported by the American newspaper "The Hill", Biden explained, "I believe one of the reasons behind Hamas's attack is that they knew I was closely engaging with the Saudis and others in the region to bring peace by acknowledging Israel and Israel's right to exist."

The US President continued, "You may recall, we saw during the G20 Summit a while back, we are going to build a railroad from Riyadh through the Middle East from Saudi Arabia to Israel and on to Europe, not just railroads, but pipelines underground."

Biden further stated, "There is significant interest in this project, and I think most Arab countries are aware of that. Coordinating with each other to change the dynamics in the region through long-term peace is what I will continue working on."

Describing the initial hostage release as "the result of intensive American diplomacy and multiple contacts with world leaders in the region, including the Amir of Qatar, the Israeli Prime Minister, and the Egyptian President," he thanked them for their efforts and "personal partnership" during the tough negotiations that lasted for weeks. He emphasized that he would remain in close contact with leaders to ensure the agreement stays on the right track.

Biden stressed the importance of a two-state solution for "bringing peace to the region in the long term."

Additionally, the US President added, "As we look to the future, we must end this cycle of violence in the Middle East. We need to reaffirm our commitment to pursuing a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in a two-state solution with equal measures of freedom and dignity. Two states for two peoples, this is more important now than ever before."

Biden regarded the matters concerning the ceasefire in Gaza as progressing well, clarifying that Washington "urgently worked towards it and the release of hostages."

A four-day ceasefire began Friday between Israeli occupation and Hamas in Gaza, marking the first truce since the war that claimed thousands of lives several weeks ago.

Saturday, November 25th, anticipates the further release of Palestinian and Israeli prisoners on the second day of the truce between Hamas and Israel.

Qatar, alongside Egypt and the United States, mediated an agreement for a four-day, renewable ceasefire, during which 50 prisoners detained in Gaza will be exchanged for 150 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. Additionally, hundreds of trucks carrying humanitarian, relief, medical aid, and fuel will be delivered to all areas of the Gaza Strip.