Shafaq News/ Iraq's social environment has become conducive to the spread of criminal and organized crime, according to experts. They argued that reducing crime requires comprehensive measures in economic, social, political, service, development, and educational fields.

Iraq's Rank

Iraq ranks eighth in the Arab world and 80th globally out of 146 countries on the Crime Index for 2024, according to Numbeo.

Iraq records a crime index of 44.7% and a safety index of 55.3%. It ranks eighth in the Arab world after Syria (69.1%), Yemen (68.6%), Libya (60.4%), Algeria (52.2%), Egypt (47.3%), Morocco (46.5%), and Lebanon (46.4%).

Conversely, Qatar, the UAE, and Andorra have the lowest crime rates at 16%, 15%, and 12.9%, respectively.

Suitable Environment for Crime

Imad Allaw, retired brigadier general and director of the Accreditation Center for Security Studies, attributes Iraq's suitability for the spread of criminal and organized crime to several factors. "The leniency in laws related to punishing criminals, adopted due to the democratic life post-2003, is one such factor," he told Shafaq News Agency.

Allaw added, "Other factors include open borders not adequately controlled by security forces, the plundering of army depots post-security collapse, arms and drug smuggling, and social upheavals resulting from sectarian wars and the infiltration of Al-Qaeda and ISIS elements."

"Iraq, especially in matters of drugs and arms smuggling, has become an attractor of these substances rather than just a transit point, leading to the spread of cross-border gangs and mafias." He adds

Regarding the most dangerous types of crimes in Iraq, Allaw identifies organized crime as the most severe, particularly drug mafias targeting youth, children, and women in universities and workplaces due to unemployment and the criminals' attempts to make quick profits. He also points to arms smuggling, which keeps weapons outside state control, “increasing violence and enabling the perpetration of other crimes such as theft, murder, kidnapping, and extortion.”

100,000 Prisoners

Fadhel Al-Gharawi, head of the Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq, notes that "Iraq, like other countries, faces many crimes, challenges, problems, and complexities. Its ranking among countries is based on the prevalence of crime and the measures taken by the government and its security institutions to track these crimes and the judicial actions to reduce them."

Al-Gharawi tells Shafaq News Agency that crimes in Iraq from 2023 to 2024 range from drug trafficking, human trafficking, murder, honor killings, theft, financial corruption, bribery, and embezzlement, among other crimes. These are spread across most Iraqi governorates, with varying degrees of prevalence.

He confirms that "more than 100,000 individuals are either convicted or detained in prisons and detention centers, a significant number indicating the extent of crimes in Iraq and their consequences. Additionally, terrorist crimes persist, and these crimes will not end without comprehensive, genuine, and serious measures in economic, social, political, service, development, and educational fields."

Progress in Facing Challenges

Colonel Maqdad Al-Mousawi, spokesperson for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and the Security Media Cell, asserts that "the ministry continues its diligent efforts to enhance security and stability across Iraq. We have witnessed significant progress in recent months in facing security challenges, thanks to strategic planning and precise execution of security operations. This improvement reflects our security forces' commitment to their national duty and their dedication to protecting citizens."

Al-Mousawi adds to Shafaq News that "the ongoing and fruitful cooperation between security forces and citizens plays a crucial role in reinforcing these efforts. We have seen a noticeable increase in reports from citizens about suspicious activities, which significantly contributes to uncovering and confronting criminal activities before they occur. This cooperation reflects mutual trust between the people and security forces, which we are proud of and strive to strengthen continuously.”

He continues, "Security forces have also succeeded in delivering strong blows to organized crime, dismantling many criminal networks threatening the country's security and stability. These operations have led to the arrest of numerous criminal elements and the confiscation of large quantities of weapons and drugs, significantly reducing crime rates and enhancing safety in various regions."