Shafaq News/ Turkish airstrikes targeted PKK positions in Nushi village near the Metin Mountain range in northern Duhok province, a government source said on Tuesday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the airstrikes hit the village twice, targeting PKK fortifications, but did not provide information on casualties.

The airstrikes come after PKK militants attacked a Turkish military base in the region a week ago, killing several Turkish soldiers.

There has been a long-running Turkish campaign in Iraq and Syria against militants of the PKK and the Syrian Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) militia, which are both designated as terrorist groups by Ankara.

Turkey regularly carries out air strikes into northern Iraq and has sent commandos to support its offensives.

In April, 2023, the Turkish foreign ministry summoned the Iraqi charge d'affaires after Baghdad accused Ankara of violating its sovereignty and called on it to withdraw its forces from Iraqi territory.