Shafaq News/ A leading figure in the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on Tuesday reiterated his party's commitment to holding the upcoming parliamentary elections in the region, urging other stakeholders to ensure the successful completion of this democratic exercise.

"The KDP has spared no effort in facilitating the smooth conduct of elections at the conclusion of the fifth parliamentary session of the Kurdistan Parliament," said Mahmoud Mohammed, a KDP spokesperson, told Shafaq News Agency.

Mohammed urged all entities, including the citizens, to take a proactive role in ensuring fair elections.

"Rather than delving into the steps needed, it is time to rally everyone, including the government and the relevant institutions, to take decisive steps towards facilitating this process," Mohammed said.

The spokesperson laid emphasis on the KDP's primary concern — the conduct of parliamentary elections in Kurdistan.

Earlier this week, Iraq's Supreme Federal Court issued a verdict deeming the extension of the Kurdistan Parliament's term unconstitutional.

Judge Jassem Mohammed Aboud, the head of the court, remarked, "any legal provision that contradicts the constitution's mandate of a four-year parliamentary term is deemed void. The Constitution, as the authoritative legal document, imposes its rules on all powers."

In light of this, it's noteworthy that the Kurdistan Parliament voted in October 2022 to extend its legislative term by a year. As per this decision, the elections were deferred to 2023, synchronized with the provincial council elections.

The region of Kurdistan has been facing severe political discord over the parliamentary elections. The bone of contention lies between the KDP and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), leading to an impasse despite Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani's affirmation of November 18, 2023, as the date for the sixth parliamentary elections in the region.

Last November, seven Kurdish parties, in a breakthrough agreement, decided to adopt the electoral district system for the parliamentary elections. They also agreed on utilizing the biometric roster of Iraq's election commission and activating the Election Commission in the region.