Shafaq News / On Monday, an Iraqi official revealed that two new military brigades of the Iraqi and Kurdish forces are formed to protect the boundaries of the Kurdistan Region with Iran.

The deputy-chairman of the security and defense parliamentary committee, Sagvan Sindi, told Shafaq News agency, "The two military brigades are composed of the people of the Kurdistan Region and would be funded from the federal budget."

Sindi pointed out that the brigades will deploy on the borders soon.

Earlier, the Ministerial Council for Iraqi National Security decided to deploy Border Guard forces from the Iraqi army and the Peeshmergs on the borders to stop the Iranian missiles and drones inside Kurdistan.

Earlier this month, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) attacked positions in northern Iraq held by Kurdish groups with missiles and drones.

IRCG said the attacks inflicted "heavy damage" on two Kurdish groups that Tehran considers "terrorist" organizations.

The latest Iranian attack comes days after the IRGC's Quds Force commander, Esmail Qaani, traveled to Iraq for high-level meetings and after repeated warnings by Tehran to Baghdad to disarm or relocate the groups.