Shafaq News/ Minister of Peshmerga, Shoresh Ismail, said today that relations between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi army have improved recently.

This came in a speech during a major military meeting held by the minister today with military Peshmerga leaders, and attended by the Chief of Staff of the Peshmerga forces, Lieutenant-General Jamal Aminki.

The Minister said, "Our relations with the Iraqi army have improved, and we hope to expand these relations to maintain the stability of Kurdish areas outside the region's administration with all other communities."

On cooperation and coordination with the international coalition, the minister said that the continued cooperation and support of the coalition is of great importance, and very appreciated by the Peshmerga.

For his part, Lieutenant-General Jamal Aminki said, "We have taken good steps in this regard, pointing to the formation of two main joint coordination centers in Erbil and Baghdad, in addition to four others in the disputed areas."