Shafaq News / During President Nechirvan Barzani’s second day of his official visit to Tehran, he and his delegation had a productive meeting with Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to a statement by the Kurdish presidency, “Both parties emphasized the significance of maintaining strong relations between Iraq, the Kurdistan Region, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on the principles of good neighborliness and shared interests. They explored various opportunities and strategies to enhance cooperation and strengthen ties across all sectors.”

The statement added that “it was mutually agreed that the Islamic Republic of Iran holds immense potential for collaboration with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in areas such as trade, economy, investment, agriculture, tourism, culture, education, and many others. To fully capitalize on these opportunities, it is crucial for the relevant stakeholders from both sides to continue working together.”

Furthermore, the meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the overall situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as well as the ongoing relations between Erbil and Baghdad.

President Nechirvan Barzani arrived in Tehran on Sunday at the Islamic Republic of Iran's official invitation. This visit marks the fifth in 11 years during which the President aims to enhance relations between the Region and Tehran through discussions with senior Iranian leaders.

According to an official in Barzani's office, this visit is significant, following extensive talks with political leaders in Baghdad, where President Barzani launched a new relationship phase.