Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, received the US Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Uzra Zeya in Erbil.

The US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski, and several US State Department representatives attended the meeting.

According to the Kurdish Presidency, both sides discussed “safeguarding human rights, advancing democracy, and upholding freedoms in the Kurdistan Region.”

The talks also discussed the “significance of NGOs in society, as well as the conditions for refugees and local populations.”

They agreed on the importance of ongoing stakeholder collaboration to enhance human rights and freedoms. Furthermore, “they reaffirmed their dedication to fostering shared values and safeguarding the rights of ethnic and religious communities.”

In turn, the Under Secretary Zeya conveyed her gratitude for the “culture of coexistence, tolerance, and pluralism in the Kurdistan Region,” highlighting the “willingness of relevant parties to support the region in advancing human rights, freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law, and recognized the Kurdistan Region as a valuable partner of the United States.”

On the Yezidis issue, the two parties stressed the necessity of implementing the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Federal Iraqi Government to normalize the situation in Sinjar.

Kurdistan parliamentary elections were also among the discussed topics.

Zeya arrived on Wednesday in Iraq and met Iraqi officials, including Iraqi FM Fouad Hussein.